I want to apply for membership

You can easily become a member of the G-gruppen by sending an email to

kassoren@g-gruppen.net with the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone

Then pay 125 kronor to plusgiro nr 16 30 02-9. The membership fee is valid for 2023.

If you are a resident in a euro country you pay an annual fee of 14 € by depositing the amount in our account IBAN: SE70 9500 0099 6026 0163 0029.

NOTE Be careful when filing in the IBAN number. If the information is not exactly consistent we have to pay a penalty fee of 6,70 € to Plusgirot. If you are not sure how to fill out the payment form speak to your bank.

You can also pay via PayPal.

For those who have a PayPal account please enter the e-mail address
payments@g-gruppen.net as the PayPal email address.

After receiving the membership fee, you will receive an email with a login code to the member pages on the website and also access to the discussion list.

By submitting your information to us, you agree that we register these digitally in our membership register for internal use and communications to you. Your information will not be disclosed or sold to third parties.

Updating membership information
When you want to change your address, change your email or have membership issues. Please mail: kassoren@g-gruppen.net

Copyright © G-gruppen